Upcoming Aller Traffic Meeting
An information and update drop-in meeting about the Aller Traffic Report presented at the Parish Council in September 2023.
When: between 10.00 – 12.00 on Saturday 17th February 2024
Where: Aller Parish Village Hall
Everybody welcome.
This is an opportunity for the residents of Aller to meet, view and discuss the traffic report and map presented to the Parish Council last September. We will welcome your comments or suggestions regarding the traffic calming measures being discussed.
There will also be a short questionnaire to help us plan next steps.
Some of the measures that are being discussed:
Permanent speed indicator devices at each end of the village
Better and more accurate signage throughout village
20 mph speed limit
Measures to address the narrowing of the road on Ridley Hill and danger to pedestrians
Getting some expert advice on measures that could be put in place.
Latest Update: Aller Parish Council has earmarked funds in the annual budget towards putting in place a SIDS/VAS i.e. two automatic and permanent speeding signs at each end of the village to be installed within the next 6 months.
The full report can be seen on the following link: Aller Traffic Report - September 2023